More than ever, students preparing to enter Key Stage 4 will be preparing for a world that is changing very fast and preparing for careers that may not yet exist, or that will at least change dramatically during a working life. For that reason, it is essential we ensure that all pupils have a broad and balanced curriculum without too much specialisation at this stage. Our student’s Key Stage 4 curriculum will involve preparing for national examinations that will provide the building blocks for future study and preparations for a successful career.
At Atherton High, all pupils follow a core curriculum of English Language and English Literature, Mathematics, Science, P.E. and a Personal Development curriculum (Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE), Religious Education and Careers Education and Guidance. Studying these subjects gives our students a ‘broad and balanced’ curriculum and a firm platform for future specialised study, career development and adult life.
In addition to the core subjects, students will have option choices:
- History GCSE
- Geography GCSE
- Religious Studies GCSE
- Citizenship GCSE
- Spanish GCSE
- Art GCSE
- Design Technology GCSE
- Food Technology GCSE
- Computer Science GCSE
- Creative iMedia Cambridge National
- Creative Media Skills Pearson BTEC
- Music GCSE
- Drama GCSE
- Sports Science Cambridge Nationals
- Health & Social Care Pearson BTEC
Students are supported to select courses that best meet their interests and aspirations, to create opportunities for success for every student as they meet the intention of their course of study.
During our annual Key Stage 4 Curriculum Evening for Year 9 students, Senior Leaders, Curriculum Leaders and teachers are available to discuss the thinking behind our curriculum model and give parents/carers and students the opportunity to find out more about different courses to inform their decisions about their Key Stage 4 curriculum option choices. In addition, local colleges attend the event and are available to answer questions about the next stage in education, training and employment. Careers education and independent guidance is an important part of our personal development curriculum.
Making the correct decision about option subjects is dependent on having all the facts and information and once made, further success at Atherton High School will be determined by having the right attitude and approach towards future study.