All of Year 8 kicked off the new school year in Personal Social and Health Education (PSHE) by continuing to work towards their Ambassador Awards, which they began during our Industry and Skills Day in July.
Today the students looked at ways to persuade and motivate people, as they will use this as they build their communication skills by making a presentation to their peers later in the year. The presentations will be about a specific issue, something that we can do to improve our community, which each student has selected for themselves with their teacher’s guidance.
This award, along with the other four awards offered by SLQ is an important part of the way we encourage and guide our students to demonstrate respect, take responsibility for themselves and their community and to set ambitious goals for themselves. They will complete the Ambassador Award later this year, to add to their Year 7 Pioneer Award which many of our students achieved last year.
This session on persuasion and influencing will also help our students to build understanding for their next few PSHE lessons in which they will study the problem of gangs and peer-pressure and how these negative influences are linked to knife crime and drug-related problems.