Atherton High School achieved the ‘Wigan Healthy Schools’ award for 2023-24.
Wigan Healthy Schools Team commented ‘we were really impressed with how AHS supports young people’s health and wellbeing’.
We have considerably increased the amount of time our pupils spend being active, as we know how this supports both physical development, but also emotional development and educational outcomes. It is absolutely apparent that our pupils have better attention, behaviour and performance due to these increases in physical activity.
Some of our highlights can be observed at 15:00 every evening during our comprehensive enrichment programme.
We have further committed to long-term sustainability of Physical Education through the employment of a fulltime Girls PE Teacher. Miss Leyland joined AHS in 2023 and comes with a high pedigree in sport. We can’t wait to see how Miss Leyland will support and drive the department further.
Our focus for improvements in 2023-24 is to sign post and utilise Howe Bridge facilities, increase our involvement in the ‘Let’s Get Movin’ and improve parental education around physical education. Keep posted for how we will achieve these goals.