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Year 6 Transition

At Atherton High School, we understand that the transition from primary school to high school can be a very big step for both pupils and parents/carers. We have built, and continue to build a strong working relationships with our local primary schools, in order to make sure that the transition process is as smooth as possible. Throughout the year we make sure that pupils and parents are welcomed through our doors, whether this be during school taster days, open day, personal guided tours, additional SEN taster days, transition days and parents evenings.

After we have received all of our admission information from the local authority in March, transition booklets are sent home for our Year 6 pupils to complete. Activities include: getting to know me, goal setting, a creative writing task and what do you want to know about Atherton High?

This booklet is a great starting point in getting to know pupils and allowing them to voice any questions or concerns they may have. We send out a second booklet in June, which includes more transition activities as well as a key staff document and ‘The Atherton Challenge.’ This challenges pupils and gives them an insight into work that is planned for year 7.

We believe that the very best way to get a feel for the school and find out more is to come and visit us during the school day. The Head of Year will show you around with the assistance of a Year 7 pupil. This will give you the vital opportunity to see the school and our pupils on a normal working day. Having a pupil present will also allow you to ask any questions in relation to school life at Atherton High School.

Your Path to Atherton High…

We know preparation is key, so here’s what to expect from the time you receive your school allocation, to the 1st day at AthertonHigh School.


  • Introduction from Our Headteacher
    A personal letter to welcome you and outline what to expect in the coming months.
  • Welcome Pack Sent
    As well as a microsoft form to complete with your details, this includes key information about Atherton High School, uniform guidelines, important forms, and key dates for the year.
  • Tours and Meet the Headteacher
    Students and parents/carers are invited to organise individual tours and meet with Mrs Turner (March – July available).
  • Information Gathering
    Mr McKie (Head of Year 7) starts the work on gathering academic, personal and character information from Year 6 teachers.

April – May

  • Visits from Head of Year 7
    Mr McKie visits each primary school to meet students and discuss more vulnerable students needs with primary school staff, including support staff and SENDCO.


  • Year 6 Taster Day
    Thursday 3rd July: Taster day is a full-day visit where students will meet their new classmates and teachers and get a taste of school life. (More information can be found in your welcome letter)
  • Parent Information Evening
    2nd & 3rd July: An in-person session to discuss timetables, transport, uniform, and how we support students during the transition and throughout their journey at Atherton High School.
  • SEND transition coffee morning will be Friday 4th July


  • Final Reminders
    We’ll send out a reminder about start dates, uniform and equipment checks and what to bring on your first day.
  • Summer School
    26th – 29th August: Summer school helps smooth the transition by building confidence, making friends and getting familiar with the school building. It also reinforces key academic skills to ensure a strong start in September. Please complete the form with the student name and the dates they will be attending. (Please remember to pack a lunch.  This will be provided for Pupil Premium students).

“ Pupils are proud to attend Atherton High School. They value the positive relationships that they have with their teachers.”

Ofsted 2024