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Contacts for Safeguarding Concerns

Key Staff All contactable on 01942 885500
Designated Safeguarding Lead Mr C McNamara
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Miss S Foster

Operation Encompass

Atherton High School has signed up to Operation Encompass.  The purpose of Operation Encompass is to safeguard and support children and young people who have been involved in, heard or witnessed a domestic abuse incident.

Following an incident, children will often arrive at school distressed, upset, worried and unprepared.  Operation Encompass aims to ensure that appropriate school staff are made aware early enough to help and support children and young people in a way that means they feel safe and included.

This is a valuable initiative that means we can help and support students and their families within our school when they need us most.

You can find out more information by visiting the Operation Encompass website here.



Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) is a Police website offering advice and support regarding online safety. The website has the facility for you to report any issues regarding the suspected online sexual exploitation of children.

Are you worried about online abuse or the way someone has been communicating with you online?

As a parent/carer, do you have concerns or need some guidance?

Please click the logo here to access the website, find out more information or report an incident.

Report Safeguarding Concerns - Humphry Davy School

Harmful Sexual Behaviour

What is harmful sexual behaviour?

Harmful sexual behaviour (HSB) is developmentally inappropriate sexual behaviour displayed by children and young people which is harmful or abusive. Peer-on-peer sexual abuse is a form of HSB where sexual abuse takes place between children of a similar age or stage of development. Child-on-child sexual abuse is a form of HSB that takes place between children of any age or stage of development. Problematic sexual behaviour (PSB) is developmentally inappropriate or socially unexpected sexualised behaviour which doesn’t have an overt element of victimisation or abuse.

NSPCC – Sexual Behaviour in Children

Advice about healthy and unhealthy sexual behaviour in children and teenagers, including what to do if you’re worried.

Domestic, Sexual Abuse and Relationship Guidance

NSPCC – Helpline for those in education

0808 800 5000, complete the online form or email

Keeping Safe in School

Child sexual exploitation
Know and see the signs
Teen relationships
Act on it
Gender identity

Online Safety, Support and Gaming Guidance

Broadband Parental Controls Advice from GoCompare

The well known price comparison website has created a guide for parents to ensure that their children stay safe when using the internet. Setting parental controls for the internet can help you decide what you would like your children to be able to access online, it can reduce the chance of your child stumbling across inappropriate sites and you can also monitor what you child has been looking at online. Find out more below –

Facebook Support

Instagram Support

X / Twitter Support

Snapchat Support

Tumblr Support

YouTube Support

Skype Support

Pinterest Support

NSPCC Support

Online safety helpline: 0808 800 5000

Online Safety
Get Safe Online
E-Safety support

Console games support

Online Safety

Ratings and Reviews – Movies, TV, Books, Games etc.

Common Sense Media
Online Security
Cyber Aware
Digital Citizenship
Let’s Fight It Together – YouTube video from Childnet International

New documents

Make a Safeguarding enquiry online

Complete the form below to send a safeguarding enquiry to our Designated Safeguarding Lead