The dinning hall will be open for all year group at break time and 1.20 – 1.50pm for lunch service.
The school kitchens and dining rooms are first-rate, modern facilities for students and staff. The dining rooms serve nutritious foods, cooked in healthy ways. The school caterers have worked extremely hard to ensure that the school meets the government’s food and nutrition-based standards for school lunches. Some families will qualify for free school meals – please see below for more information.
At lunchtime students and staff are offered the option of a meal deal including a main course with dessert or drink, along with a variety of smaller items such as sandwiches, sausage rolls, pasta pots, jacket potatoes and wraps.
The canteen serves a three-week rotational menu which changes twice a year, serving a variety of different meals every day, which always includes a vegetarian option.
Atherton High School operates a cashless system, and the school has implemented a way to view exactly what your child has been eating and what their current balance is on their Edulink account. Online payments for catering and school trips can be made through iPayimpact. and there is also an App available for downloading onto mobile devices.
Packed Lunches
Students may bring a packed lunch to school. Packed lunches, sweets and chocolate bars should not be eaten on the school corridors or in the school grounds – only water and fruit juices may be consumed outside the designated packed lunch areas. This ensures students sit down to eat and minimises litter around the site.
All pupils are encouraged to drink unflavoured still water to re-hydrate themselves. No fizzy drinks are allowed and will be confiscated (Radnor Fizz is sold in the Canteen and this can be consumed at break/lunchtime). It is not the school’s policy to dictate to parents what the content of packed lunches should be but the importance of eating sensibly and healthily should not be understated.
Free School Meals
Would you like to save £456 a year?
Some families qualify for free school meals – a saving of up to £12 per week.
If you are in receipt of benefits such as income support, jobseekers’ allowance, tax credits, universal credits or state pension credits, your child may be entitled to a free school meal.
For more information on how to apply, please visit