Apply for your child’s secondary school place
If you have a child who is due to start Year 7 at secondary school in September 2025/26 and would like to apply for their place, please follow the application process as outlined on the the Wigan Local Authority web site.
The Local Authority administers appeals on behalf of the school and provide the link to our webpages below:
School admissions appeals (
School admissions appeals timetable | Offer date | Appeals lodged | Appeals to be heard |
Secondary | 3 March 2025 (1 March 2025 falls on a Saturday, so offer information will be sent the next working day) | by 31 March 2025 | Within 40 school days |
after 31 March | Appeals should be heard within 40 school days from the deadline for lodging appeals where possible, or within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged |
Transferring from other schools
If you would like to move your child from their current secondary school to Atherton High School, you will need to complete an in-year admission form which can be obtained via Wigan Local Authority . If you are considering moving your child to Atherton High School and would like a tour of the school, please contact the school directly on 01942 885500.